This site contains information which you may find useful when making an international payment. For region specific information, please refer to Regions.
Payment cut-off times
When sending an international payment each individual currency will have a cut-off time. The cut-off time represents how far in advance you must submit your payment instruction to ensure your funds are sent by Barclays on the value date you require. Each currency cut-off time will confirm how many days in advance of value date we must receive your instruction, and also the cut-off time on that day which you have until to submit your payment. As an example: Chinese Renminbi is a currency which gives next day value with a cut-off time of 09:15. This means if you want an international payment in CNY from your CNY account to be sent on Wednesday, you have until 09:15 on Tuesday that week to submit your payment. Please note: Cut-off times relate to the execution of your payment instruction by Barclays in the UK. Beneficiary banks will apply their own fund availability schedules outside of Barclays’ control, which means funds may not be available to the payment beneficiary on your selected value date. Please find the following list of currency Cut-off Times within Digital Channels: |
Contact us
Please open the below contact information page on the Digital Channels Help Centre for contact details specific to the channel you ae using:
This webpage is used by Barclays Bank PLC, Barclays Bank UK PLC and Barclays Bank Ireland PLC. Details of your service provider are set out in your customer agreement.
Legal disclaimer
The information in on this site is correct at the date of publication. It is intended as a general guide only. We recommend you obtain your own independent tax and legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
You must ensure that both you and the person receiving the payment comply with any local and international laws in relation to the payment, including regulatory restrictions, exchange controls and tax obligations. You have sole responsibility for the management of your legal obligations and tax affairs, including making any applicable filings and payments and complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including in relation to taxation.
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